What Is Cognitive Training?
It’s uncommon for people to struggle with basic tasks, particularly as they enter the formal learning environment. Kids who have ADHD and other learning impairments can overcome these issues with special forms of counseling and instruction.
If you are the parent and your child who is having a difficult time adapting to new challenges in school, you may be asking the question, what is cognitive training?
This is a special form of training that is designed to improve the overall mental functionality of young students and many aging adults who are struggling with degenerative brain-related illnesses such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease.
Coginitive Training For Learning Development
These efforts are becoming increasing popular among parents and children who are looking to overcome moderate learning challenges for increased academic success and confidence. It challenges people to think outside of the box and to find new ways of getting done in order to achieve marked increases in their overall mental efficiency.
Many aspects of the learning process are covered in each session so that an all-inclusive approach is taken to improving thought processes and overall brain functionality. For instance, students who participant in these sessions are trained to develop faster processing speeds.
Processing speeds are a measurement of how quickly the brain is able to process new information when it is presented. When processing speeds are low, students invariably fall further and further behind in their classes and can become embarrassed and feel separated from their peers.
Working to improve processing speeds makes students more proficient in learning and thinking. This is particularly true in the group learning environment in which multiple or unique learning styles are rarely accommodated due to the time constraints and limited resources of instructors.
The Power Of Auditory Processing
Auditory processing is another important aspect of cognitive training as it relates to the individual’s ability to process sounds. Given that many teachers base their lesson plans around oral lectures, an inability to quickly process auditory sounds can be very problematic in the learning environment.
Students are also given instruction that is designed to enhance visual processing. Many people are visual learners, and thus, visual learning tools are commonly employed in classrooms. Not only are children taught to receive visual information and process it effectively, but they will also learn skills for manipulating this data. This can be accomplished through the creation corresponding mental images or by handling any tactile tools that are part of hands-on learning processes.
Long and short-term memory can also be increased via these efforts. This includes both storage and recall so that people have access to effective association strategies and other tactics for identifying, recalling and retaining any new and old information that they have been exposed to.
According to Kim Fisher, a cognitive behavioural therapist in London, better cognitive functioning can also significantly enhance a person’s confidence and overall social well-being. The foundations of this are often built in childhood, where we begin to pick up beliefs about the world, and our place within it.
This type of training is both individualized and integrated. Those who provide it never assume that a one-size-fits-all approach will work well for all students. Instead, they strive to meet unique learning needs with resources and programs that have been streamlined and customized to the client.
This is accomplished by conducting a series of rigorous test to identify strengths and weaknesses. The student’s plan is then built upon techniques that make optimal use of his or her strengths while showing alternative learning strategies for overcoming personal weaknesses in learning.
The Benefits Of Cognitive Training
There are a number of short and long-term benefits that kids can gain from this instruction. The need for outside tutoring can be minimized by investing in these services and learning outcomes can be greatly improved. Kids can maintain on course with their classwork, rather than consistently falling behind and failing to meet at-level expectations. In most instances, the ability to stay on track can eliminate or limit the likelihood of behavioral issues, given that children are far less likely to act out when they are not embarrassed about their academic performance.
Best of all, any improvements that are gained in cognitive performance will be long-lasting. The strategies that students learn in these environments can be used all throughout elementary learning and as part of their higher education. They will even experience greater success by taking these same ideas into the professional arena once they join the workforce.